Monday, November 22, 2010

Menu Plan Monday... again already?

I did a really good job sticking to my menu plan from last week. The only difference was that on Friday, we ate at Isaac's parents' house, so I pushed the Salsibury steaks back to Saturday since I'd already gotten them out of the freezer when we decided to go.

Monday: Meatloaf (Isaac made five meatloaves for our freezer yesterday!)
Tuesday: Velveeta Cheeseburger Mac by request from Kadin
Wednesday: Spaghetti (We'll try it again for this week.)
Thursday: Eating at the in-laws
Friday: Not sure yet what we'll be doing.
Saturday: Hosting my mom's family for Thanksgiving--turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, hot rolls with honey butter, sweet potatoes, green beans, stuffing, cranberry salad, pumpkin pie, pecan pie
Sunday: Leftovers!

And a random helpful household hint: If you are going to wash your curtains, be sure to make sure that they are not dry clean only FIRST. Otherwise, they will come out of the dryer completely wrinkled and about six inches shorter. (Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything...well, maybe a little bit...)

1 comment:

  1. We are having meatloaf tonight, too! At least if N ever wakes up.
